Cashew Shell Cake or Cashew Shell DOC or De Oiled Cashew Nut Shell Cake is used for Boiler, Heating,Burning, Curing purpose or used as Fuel by manufacturing Units.

Cashew Nut Shell Cake Manufactured from Cashew Nut Shells, after removing Cashew Nut Shell Oil from Expeller.

Cashew Nut Shell Cake will give a very good temperature when heating directly or mixing with other Fuels or Fuel substitutes.

CNSL De Oiled Cake is the ideal fuel for high calorie requirements where high heat requires to be generated and it gives very Long Shelf life.

De oiled cashew Nut Shell Cake will give Less Pollution When Comparing with Other Fuel Material

CNSL Shell Cake or Cashew Shell Doc is also used for Agricultural, other industrial & other manufacturing use by Commercial Establishments.

Cashew Nut Shell Cake Specifications:

Gross Calorific value : 4900 Kcal / kg Approx. analysis (% by weight)

Moisture : below 10%

Volatile matter :68.03

Ash :2.00

Fixed Carbon :21.12

Ultimate Analysis :

Carbon :46.08

Hydrogen :3.88

Nitrogen :0.21

Sulphur :NIL

Moisture :8.85

Ash :2.00

Oxygen :38.98

Bulk density: 0.4430 g/cc :

Silica (as SiO2) :61.83

Iron Oxide (as Fe2O3) :3.99

Aluminium Oxide (as Al2O3) :1.99

Calcium Oxide (as CaO) :25.64

Magnesium Oxide (as MgO) :1.88

Sodium Oxide (as Na2O) :0.65

Potassium Oxide (as K2O) :3.55

Sulphate (as SO3) :0.18

KANCO SOUTHWEST ENTERPRISES Offers Good Quality of Cashew Nut Shell Cake packed in average 50 kg Plastic or Gunny Bags.

Serious Buyers only May Contact us on 9342174037 or Email: